PT. Monde Mahkota Biscuit has provided Indonesia’s products to our customers with the highest quality and providing the best service for 25 years both domestically and internationally. From 1984 until now PT Monde Mahkota Biscuit has been a consistent top player on the market especially for biscuit and wafers product. From traditional to contemporary, every product is custom made to achieve the highest quality and taste.
Our head office head quartered in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta. A very strategic location located close to Business and Government Center. Our plant located in Ciracas, Bogor and Jababeka, Cikarang. With Total Labor more than 1,000 and will keep increasing in time.
With adequate technology and supporting facilities handled with experienced human resources in their fields, we strive to continue providing high quality products with various innovations that continue to develop over time. Not only in terms of taste quality and ingredients that are well developed, but we also ensure that we deliver value for each product in the hope of customer satisfaction.
Both of our factories have been certified by:
Food Safety Management System
ISO 22000
Halal Certificate from Indonesian Ulema Council
SNI Marking Product Certificate for Biscuit SNI 2973:2011